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“Courage is what you earn when you’ve been through the tough times and you discover they aren’t so tough at all.” - Malcolm Gladwell, David & Goliath

May 24, 2017

The Difference Between a Website Redesign and a Website Refresh

Girl Throwing Clothes in Air

The world of web design is constantly evolving. The layouts, the programming, the functionality, the content management systems and the experience are being taken to new levels on seemingly a daily basis. I can’t go more than a few days without coming across something brand new during my travels through the interwebs.

This type of constant change not only keeps a digital marketer like myself on my toes but also keeps businesses alert wondering if it’s time to redesign their website.

In most cases, if you have no experience in web design whatsoever and you’re asking yourself “Is it time for a website redesign?”, chances are the answer is “Yes”. Sometimes though, a full-on redesign isn’t necessary. Sometimes a simple and more affordable website refresh is the answer.

What is a website redesign?

A website redesign is similar to you going into your closet right now, packing up every piece of clothing you own, donating them to Goodwill and purchasing a whole new wardrobe. When you redesign a website you completely change the layout, design and programming code to create something brand new. This doesn’t necessarily mean developing all new content, however if you’re going through the trouble or redesigning your entire website, you may as well update all the content as well.

What is a website refresh?

A website refresh is similar to doing a “spring-cleaning” to your wardrobe. You keep a few items from last season but you head out and purchase some new items as well to give yourself a fresh look. A website refresh may include making a few simple updates to content, design and layout. You may change the font of your website, a few photos and maybe even update it with responsive code for mobile devices but the general structure of the layout and programming stays the same.

Should you do a website redesign or website refresh?

Not surprisingly, the answer to this question needs to be handled on a case by case basis. If you answer “Yes” to the below questions, you’re probably due for a website refresh:

  • Have you redesigned your website in the past 2-3 years?
  • Is your website responsive or mobile-ready?
  • Does your website use a standard font such as Arial or Times New Roman?
  • Does the layout of your website appeal to you? Does it appeal to your customers?
  • Does your website receive a lot of traffic but not many conversions?
  • Can you easily update your website using a content management system such as WordPress?

If you answer “No” to the below questions, you’re probably due for a website design:

  • Have you redesigned your website in the past 5 years?
  • Is your website responsive?
  • Is your website easy for you to update?
  • Does your website have a low bounce rate?
  • Do your logo and your website have a consistent brand?
  • Can you easily update your website using a content management system such as WordPress?

Given the set of questions above you can start to identify the difference between a redesign and a refresh but as mentioned, which option to choose can only really be determined on a case by case basis. Get in touch with me if you’re still unsure. I’d be happy to share my opinion!

Topic: Web Design

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