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“Courage is what you earn when you’ve been through the tough times and you discover they aren’t so tough at all.” - Malcolm Gladwell, David & Goliath

May 9, 2011

Group Coupon Sites in Windsor

I’ve gotten an email or two from friends lately asking me which group coupon sites are available in Windsor. If you recall, I wrote a post a few months back about how there were too many group coupon sites, now there are even more! Windsor Ontario isn’t even that big of a city, with a population of just over 200,000, it’s amazing that so many of these types of sites are even available for us. Here is a list of the most popular coupon sites in Windsor, along with a quick word or two about their updates and success.

GroupOn – The one that started it all. This was the first site of it’s kind to be available for Windsorites and is clearly the most popular. They’re so popular in fact, that they’ve sometimes strayed away from their “one deal a day” motto and added two or three at a time.

SwarmJam – This is the one connected to the Windsor Star website, along with all other newspaper sites under Post Media Inc. They update with a deal or two a day as well. What’s nice about SwarmJam is the deals are usually available for two or three days, not just one.

Kijiji Deals – I just noticed this one a couple weeks ago, but apparently it’s been available for awhile. They add a fresh deal on a daily basis and most of those deals seem to be for very small ticket items which cost less than $50.

WagJag – I’m not even sure if the WagJag deals for Windsor are even supposed to be for Windsorites. Most of their deals are big ticket items and most of the companies offering deals aren’t even based in Windsor.

DealTicker – Yet another “Windsor Deals” site where most of the offers seem to be online deals from other cities. The two deals available today are both from companies located in the United States.

LivingSocial – It seems like they’re going to have deals available in Windsor soon because their Google ads in the are are very targeted for us. As of this morning, they still haven’t had a deal in city.

DealFind – See above.

So there ya go! There are a total of 7 group coupon sites available in Windsor Ontario (sort of). My guess is we’ll see at least three or four more by the end of the year. I suggest you give them all a try and see which of them has the best daily deals for you! Good luck!

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