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“Courage is what you earn when you’ve been through the tough times and you discover they aren’t so tough at all.” - Malcolm Gladwell, David & Goliath

June 10, 2014

Websites I’ve Worked On Over The Past Year

I can’t believe nearly an entire year has gone by since I last updated my blog! I assure you it’s not because of a lack of work! For those of you who don’t know, a little over two years ago I was hired as an Online Marketer/Web Developer at Douglas Marketing Group in Windsor. While I still create and build websites on my own, I spend most of my working hours building websites and strategies for those website with Douglas.

Over the past year I’ve been fortunate enough to work on several really cool web projects as lead developer, as well as search engine optimizer, community manager and overall strategy development. I figured since it’s been so long since I updated my blog that I’d come back with a post over viewing some of the projects I’ve worked on in the last year or so for both Douglas Marketing and on my own free time.

Lucas Professional Search Group

I’ve worked on quite a few projects over the past year, but I have to say one of my favourites has to be the website for the executive recruitment firm Lucas PSG. This was a project done by Douglas Marketing Group where I was the lead developer and programmer. Why do I like this site so much? It’s just so clean, concise and easy to understand. There are no flashy animations, not overloaded with unnecessary pictures, just straight to the point. The site was built using a WordPress framework as well as a custom content management system to handle the job search section. The blog is simple to update and after an hour long training session is completely maintained by the client.

ICS Laser Technologies

ICS Laser Technologies was another project I worked on through Douglas Marketing Group. For this one the design of the site was actually completed by the clients’ internal resources and sent to us for programming. It includes a full image background which stretches and shrinks based upon screen site and also has a separate mobile site which works across all mobile devices including tablets and smartphones. What I like most about this one is definitely the imagery. Brendan at ICS did a great job getting me some high quality images which look amazing when viewed on a 20″+ size monitor.

Don’s Disc Jockey

One of the sites I was able to find some time for on my own was Don’s Disc Jockey. This site is a bit more basic than some of the sites I’ve worked on with Douglas Marketing, however it fit perfectly into what Don was trying to do. He had been using a purchased CMS that allowed for payments, song selection and much more. He just needed a “front-end” for his potential customers to use to pretty things up a bit. I designed and programmed all the front-end pages of the site, chose the appropriate stock photography and adapted the CMS to his branding and colours.

Topic: Web Design

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